Christ, our Cornerstone

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” – Hebrews 13:8

Do you ever have a hard time deciding? Sometimes even the smallest choices like vanilla or chocolate, or a pink or blue shirt can trip us up. What about the harder things, though, like your stance on masking up or getting a vaccine? How do we make the right decision? How do we know once we’ve made a choice, that it was the right one? God is holy and perfect—He knew us before we were born, and he already knows our ending. He doesn’t make mistakes—every decision he makes is good and perfect, and in order to give Him the glory.
So how do we get from being indecisive to being confident and sure? I would venture that we need a perspective shift. Oftentimes, when we’re nervous about deciding, it’s because we’re bombarded by too many sources of information—whether it’s the media or our friends or scientific articles—every source will tell you that their opinion is the right one to have and it can be so irritating when none of it makes sense and it feels like you aren’t sure where to go next. Where is God in all of that? Where is Jesus, the “author and perfector of our faith” (Hebrews 12)? The Bible is full of God’s truth, but it isn’t like there’s a law in there that says, “Thou shalt not get vaccinated.”, or “Those that wear a mask will be truly blessed.” No! So how do we know what is right? How do we find the answer? We make God the central focus of our decision-making process.

This reminds me of Gideon’s story, in the Bible. It’s found in Judges 6. An angel of the Lord came to Gideon and told him that the Lord was with him. But instead of taking the angel at his word, he complained and told the angel that if the Lord was really with him, then they wouldn’t be completely outnumbered by the Midianites—he felt like God had completely abandoned him. The angel was not to be deterred by Gideon’s doubt, because God had a plan for Gideon and the Israelites, just as He has a plan for each of us. But Gideon continues to question the angel about it, because he believed his situation was impossible to get out of. And even though the Angel kept confirming to Gideon that the Lord had his back, Gideon just wasn’t sure that this was really what God wanted—he needed more proof.

Sometimes we hesitate because we think we just don’t have enough evidence, or the evidence we do have is too confusing. But God is with us! We have nothing to fear—nothing can separate us from the love of God. If you’re a Christian, you’ve accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, then your greatest need has already been met—you have a hope in that one day, we’ll be in Heaven with the Lord. Walk with confidence knowing that the Lord is with you, no matter what. God is the only true constant we can count on to be there for us, to love us unconditionally. Hold steadfast to the Cornerstone, the solid foundation, the rock you can stand on, no matter what storms come your way.

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