#17: I'll Meet You at the Crossroads...of Christianity and Politics
Why should Christian be involved in politics? Why shouldn’t Christians be involved in politics? What outcomes can come from either instance. These are the questions for this week’s episode and along the way we also hit on the following:
My favorite Prezi
Teddy Roosevelt - Not the worst
“For one day in 1849, he may have been something more”
Don’t give an 8year old the nuclear codes
The reductionist view of personhood
Looking forward to a perfect theocracy
Why all elections matter
People who exist that actually call their representatives
What is the Christian Perspective on Net Neutrality
The church can flourish outside of the government
Wildly unpopular Bible Messages
Your taxes will go to things you don’t agree with
Daniel - He dead…. Without the miraculous work of God
Lost boys are going to do what lost boys are going to do
“It’s been an episode of sounds”
Universal Basic Disney Access